BQ50 Rebreather


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Gas is getting expensive, helium prices are going up, for nitrox you seem to be paying for the time of the guy doing the mixing at lawyer's rates. Is the answer the rebreather? Who knows and I don't really care. I just thought it would be interesting to build one and try and justify it later.

The BQ50 earns it name from the idea behind it -- to build the unit for fifty pounds (UK) using parts entirely from DIY retailer, B&Q. The project is on track fairly well (not too much over budget) but that said, this is not entirely realistic as many of the parts are made from junk lying around my garage or old bits of diving equipment that I no longer use.

So far, the following places and people have been useful:

B & Q
Caving Supplies
Duncan Price
The UK Rebreather Homepage